Machu Pichu

Lost city – Sacred City – Cradle of the Inca Empire, Machupicchu Located 2,430 meters high in a place of great beauty, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest, the sanctuary of Machu Picchu was probably the most amazing architectural realization of the Inca Empire in its heyday.


The National Archaeological Park of Pisac is constituted by clusters of archaeological remains among which platforms, aqueducts, roads associated with walls and covers, channeled waterways, cemeteries, bridges, etc. stand out. The extension covered by this group is 4 square kilometers.



Each stone worked is an independent work of art in relation to the others, with different sides, angles and volumes. The ancient Peruvians oblivious to our facility and pragmatism had another concept of time and art.

Moray – Maras

These are terraces or agricultural platforms built in depressions or gigantic natural holes. These terraces are concentrically superimposed, taking the form of a gigantic amphitheater. In Maras you can visit the Salineras, an impressive salt mining complex, which was already exploited from the empire.


The current towns of Chinchero, as well as those of Ollantaytambo and other places, are sitting on ancient pre-Hispanic villages. Chinchero was on the direct road that in times of the Incas led straight to Machu Picchu and was an important urban center that even today we can appreciate around its church and square.


From $65/night

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